Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our Las Vegas 'Road' Trip

My Sweetie and I have planned on special anniversary trips for the past few years and 2012 was no exception to that. We decided on another trip to Sin City in order to have a special meal, maybe do a little pampering around the hair, and do something we haven't done before.

Our goal on this trip was to have a lot of fun and try things together. Unfortunately, the first day ... oh, I guess I'll just do a chronological coverage of our little vacation.

First day, Thursday, we got up at OMG WHAT TIME IS IT? or just around 4 a.m. Why? Well, we needed to get everything ready for us to leave. Things like feed the cats, clean the cat litter, fill the cat water bowl, fill the cat dry food bowl, etc. We take our 20 minute ride to the airport, check our bags, and make it through what is jokingly called Security run by that Touch and Feel Up Your Leg Administration (TSA). We fly to Albuquerque to change aircraft before arriving at Las Vegas sometime around 8 a.m. PST.

We grab a cab and head over to our hotel - Caesars Palace.

A short but boring digression. My Sweetie started looking for places to stay a long time ago and discovered that Caesars Palace was opening a new tower (after a very long delay) named Octavius. This is considered their most upscale set of rooms and were trying to advertise the heck out of it. In their ultimate wisdom, they lowered the price to somewhere below almost all of their other rooms, albeit only for a very short period of time. Sweetie reserved our rooms at a very nice rate (well, compared to lots of other hotels on the Strip). Well done, Sweetie!

We check into our private registration area (we were the only ones there and it's separated from the regular registration area - you know, for the unclean masses :). Room isn't ready (duh) so we check our bags and go to the salon section. My Sweetie convinces me to get a haircut and a shave and, to my horror, I find out they block off two hours (one for the haircut and one for the shave). Anyway, I get my time, we play slots for 30 minutes, and then I go to the spa for the barber visit.

Two hours later, I am clean shaven with a snazzy haircut. Plus, they gave me a free bottle of water!!!!

We run over to the Mirage so my Sweetie can make her hair appointment at the Kim Vo Salon. While she is being pampered, I explore the Mirage again. I get a call that our room is ready so I head back to Caesars Palace. Get the room, call for the bags, and head back to the Mirage.

Not $22,234.00 for this bottle.
After the coloring and hair styling, we go to the room to dress for our first supper in town at the Italian restaurant, Rao's. Since it's located in Caesars Palace, we only take a few minutes to get there. Needless to say, the meal was superb. I did notice a bottle of wine for sale at $22,234.00 for 1.5 liters. We discussed it briefly before deciding to have a Chianti at $50.00 for 750 ml.

Friday and Saturday we head over to the stadium and watch some fantastic International Rugby Sevens. Each side has only 7 players and each half is like 7 minutes. Very fast paced! And if you get hurt, too bad. PLAY ON!
Waiting for Rugby
Sunday we also go to Rugby but are accompanied by non-replicants Marla and Carolyn.
Monday, we start off with a couple's manicure/pedicure with champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries. Humm. Then, we have a relaxing day at the spa in Caesar's Palace where we have our first couple's aroma therapy and full body massage. For 75 minutes, we were bombarded with lots of wonderful, herbal scents; relaxing our muscles and removing the tension from our bodies. Then, the full body massage starting with our feet, running up our legs (and they even removed the tension from my massive buttocks :), and onto our backs and necks. Overall, one grand experience!

We finally came back on Tuesday so my Sweetie could actually go back to work and earn enough cash for us to take another trip one day!

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