Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New house on the horizon

The time is soon approaching when my family makes the big move to the wilds of West Texas.

Yes, we have located our new home and have made a bid for it. Our new place to rest is located in the Briarwood section of Midland and about 15 minutes away from the world famous Midland/Odessa International Airport!

This house has four bedrooms and four & 1/2 bathrooms and was actually built after the house we live in now. Many things attracted us to this place including the beautiful limestone fireplace and stunning landscaping. We also appreciated the fact that we will be living on a hill (yes, an actual hill in Midland!) and flooding will not be a problem [although I wonder why Sharon was so concerned about flood plain maps in west Texas].

We now have to wait for an indeterminate period of time while two realtors, two relocation companies, a loan company, numerous lawyers, and others ponder the earth-shattering possibilities of filling out a couple of forms and running hundreds of queries about our wealth, health, religious views, political leanings, and to see if we are terrorists. Why in the world does it take forever to buy a flippin' house?

Anyway, it won't be too long until Sharon goes to Midland for her new job. I just hope we can both go at the same time and not have to stay in some temporary housing unit.

In the meantime, we still have a house here in Richmond that needs to be cleaned, cleaned, re-arranged, cleaned, modified, cleaned, and put on the market. As soon as we put up our For Sale sign, we will be joining the hundreds of others in our subdivision trying to unload another mortgage.

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